Jack Natyshak and Matt Cato with Trenton Golden Hawks are #athletes that wear our Super Patches as they are #DrugFree #ChemicalFree and even #SupplementFree and #Safe for all ages
Testimonial From Carol – #Headache #Neckache
Testimonial From Carol – #Headache #Neckache
Testimonial From Carol – #Headache #Neckache“OMG
! I don’t get headaches often, but I noticed one coming on earlier today. I had dinner plans and didn’t want the headache to interfere with the evening so I took a couple of Ibuprofen around 3 pm and hoped for the best.Well, the headache persisted and got worse.By 9 pm my head was pounding and really hurt. I realized that my neck was hurting and thought the headache might be from that so I opened my Freedom patch packet and placed a patch on the back of my neck.Two minutes later my headache was gone
.I don’t know why I’m surprised…I’ve been wearing this technology for 4 & 1/2 years now and I’m still surprised when magical things like this happen. Btw, the neck pain is subsiding too!”
Testimonial From Carol – #Headache #Neckache
Off all blood pressure meds after 20 years
Pauline doubted our technology could help her. After using Liberty and Defend her edema is gone, neuropathy is gone, swelling is down, pain is gone and she is off all her blood pressure meds. She was also able to help her neighbour with the same patches. Listen in and be blown away..
Testimonial from Amanda – Migraine Headache
Testimonial from Amanda – #Headache #Migrainemy personal testimony with the defend patch a week and a bit ago.. patch….Weather change..
pressure change= killer headache…was getting pretty bad.. took my homeopathic remedy…then 45 min later an ibuprofen.. chased with lots of water…self preservation mode…. and then thought.. what about that New defend patch ..
i went from bout ready to crawl into bed hoping to keep it from getting worse.. verg of migraine… to 99%of my headache gone.. pain 99% gone..NEVER had anything every worked that quick..
usually bed early in a dark room, lots of water and no noise..hoping to get under the headache.. day 2 babying my head still fighting the headache.. day 3 almost human..but feeling awesome in under 45 min after applying it..WOW.. lovin it!! next day.. still feeling great no pain..
those who suffer migraines know that day 2 after its gone is babying day.. baby that head don’t over do it.. lots water and rest… i felt fine.. excellent even… was back to 100% self no babying needed.. NOTHING ever has made the migraine go away and stay gone with out making me sick for days and heavily medicated..
Testimonial from Preeti
Testimonial from Preeti – #KidneyTransplant #Dialysis #Creatinine #WaterRetention #depression #WeightGain #Constipation #Insomnia #Diuretics #KneePain #Diabetic #InsulinDependent #Steroids #CerebralPalsy #scoliosis #SpasticityI have been reading and researching about the co since quite long and had ordered for the socks in November.Luck would have it, I got it in May 2019. Why luck?My husband who had undergone a kidney transplant 10 years back had complications due to wrong B.P medicine in March 2019. His creatinine shot up to 5.6 . Water retention was bad . Doctors warned us that with this creatinine we are looking at dialysis. So he had1. High creatinine2. Water retention. Was on Diuretics.3. Severe depression4. Disturbed sleep.5. Weight gain(on steroids)6. Constipation(every alternate day took enema)7. Pain in left kneeHe is diabetic and insulin dependent.First day of socks (liberty patch) for few hours only1. Slept well at night and got interested in the socks (liberty patch).Within 15 days changes noticed were:1. Creatinine down to 2. 42. No water retention, so was off diuretics ( though sometimes it’s there but not much)3. Came out of his depression slowly.4. He has lost weight around 10 kgs till today. Doesn’t have moon shape face any more though on steroids since 10 years.5. Since off diuretics no enema required.6. No Pain in left knee .So the socks (liberty patch) were delivered at the right time when it was needed most. Thank you Jay Dhaliwal for this wonderful invention
My daughter who has cerebral palsy and is 14 years of age . I wanted socks (liberty patch) mainly for her after I read about it but then thought of getting it for my husband too. I saw this amazing testimonial video of a lady with CP and how it helped her with balance .Changes seen in my daughter:1. She has scoliosis . I have been working with her with Feldenkrais movement lessons for this combined With her socks (liberty patch) on for almost 22hrs a day her scoliosis has improved.She would always sit on one buttock so her pelvis would always be tilted to one side. Last week she had pain on right side of her waist . And I realized that she is balanced her sitting on both buttocks and using different muscles which was not usual hence the pain . Some pains are good
2. Pain in crouched knees is gone .3. Started taking weight on her hands when on her fours in crawling position.4. Spasticity in fingers has reduced. Better grasp .Thank you Erin for arranging the socks and liberty patch
Now have ordered more for : Mom who has arthritis , brother-in-law who has Parkinsons. And for my elder daughter & myself too .